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Listen to the voice of your soul-I

God is righteousness. Learn to listen to the voice of God present in your soul. There is a veil over our mind or manas which either distorts or stops us from listening to the voice of our Soul. When we associate and socialize a lot with the worldly and unspiritual people, the ability to penetrate inside our soul diminishes because all of them, barring just a few are bahirmukhi or extroverted people, they are not pure because of worldly or selfish thoughts. Therefore, be prudent in choosing the quality of people and the time spent with them.

Those people who learn the art of concentration and meditation on God will be able to focus their attention inwards with regular practice.

The attention span to listen attentively begins with concentration. Concentration is built and increased by meditation.

One reason for lack of attention and concentration is lack of vision. If one attempts to achieve higher goals and purpose of spiritual aspirations, he/she must have a vision, a much larger vision and their minds will be focused and concentrated in spite of whatever external conditions are- favourable or adverse. That is to say that if-

One must have a great  vision in life, the mind will constantly be focused irrespective of external conditions.

People find it difficult to listen to the voice of their Soul because of numerous  reasons.

If one aspires to create a vision; if someone is desirous of having a great vision, that individual has to undergo various life experiences and learn from them. The ability to learn from life experiences is an art and ingenuity.

While we undergo various life experiences, there is a voice inside us that speaks to us.

Sit down calmly a few times in a day as well as before retiring at night; focus and watch your breath coming in and going out- concentrate, meditate, chant and then sit still as long as you can in peace and silence.

All this will  enable and empower yourself to listen to this faint voice that speaks to you. It guides you; it enlightens you; it leads you to the right act and the right path; it tells you the most suitable answer and most of all it gives you tranquillity amidst unrest and confusion.

Listening with concentration is a talent and skill that serious seekers must cultivate in order to smoothen and heighten their spiritual path and to connect directly with God present inside quickly.

God is very beautiful. God is pious, sacred and taint less. So when God speaks to us in moments of absolute inner silence, the guidance is impeccable. It is perfect! God’s voice is small and feeble yet very powerful and comprehensive. God can read and tell one’s innermost intentions and the degree of seriousness of one’s intentions.

God’s voice inside our heart is the never ending flame of Divine Light. So why don’t you sit down calmly many times a day to listen and heed to that pious voice that is shaashwat, eternal; that which never dies? A voice that will never falter, abate or vacillate.

In moments of distress or trials, this voice never forsakes you. It is you who becomes stormy, confused, angry or dejected. It is during such times that you must not forsake or forget to pray to God by distancing yourself from the external world and then sit in quietude and wait till you listen what God has to say to you!

God loves all equally but everyone does not love God. The more you learn to listen and connect with God, the better the quality of your life will be. God is pakshpaat rahit  -unbiased. If you love God and pay heed to what is suggested, the gates of his spiritual kingdom shall be opened for you as a Grace.

Devotees who have God’s kind Grace and mercy shall fear nothing and nothing is impossible for them. So whenever you experience turmoil or disconnection with your inner self, silence your mind by sitting down quietly to meditate to listen to the voice of God within you!

Learning  and insight from meditation of 12.02.12 Sunday morning.

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